Annual Reports & Statements of Intent

Subsidaries Annual Reports

Orion NZ Ltd

Christchurch International Airport Ltd

Lyttelton Port Company Ltd

Enable Services Ltd

Citycare Ltd

EcoCentral Ltd

RBL Property Ltd

Development Christchurch Limited

Statements of Intent

The Council's trading enterprises are required to deliver a Statement of Intent ('SoI') to their shareholders by 1 March each year. The SoI relates to the financial year following the one in which it is delivered and each of the immediately following two financial years. The SoI process is a key part of the Council's governance structure.

The content of the SoI is primarily determined by statute, and comprises matters such as the objectives of the company, the nature and scope of activities to be undertaken, accounting policies, performance targets, distributions, information to be provided to shareholders, procedures to be followed in respect of investments, estimate of the commercial value of the shareholders' investment, and various other matters.

CCHL performs an initial review of the draft SoIs submitted by the trading enterprises, and may suggest changes at that stage. The Council also separately reviews the draft SoIs. The companies are required by the Local Government Act to consider any comments made by the shareholders by 1 May, and to issue a final SoI by 30 June.

Subsidaries Statement of Intent

Orion NZ Ltd

Christchurch International Airport Ltd

Lyttelton Port Company Ltd

Enable Services Ltd

Citycare Ltd

EcoCentral Ltd

RBL Property Ltd

Development Christchurch Limited